Global Life in the Hard


If you’ve missed anything, or want to do it all over again, don’t worry.

We have EVERYTHING right here for you.

Catch these gems from the Global Life in the Hard Series 2021.

Week 1: Creating International Connections in the hard

Week 2: Getting and Giving Support in the hard.

Week 3: Midlife in the hard.

Week 4: Making Money in the hard.

Now what?

The Global Life in the Hard series has ended. But your journey has just begun. We weren’t meant to figure everything out in isolation. Plug into our brain trust, and break the chains of stagnancy, uncertainty, and be successful in a profession that bubbles you up with pride.

The impacts are immediate, the knowledge, tools, and relationships are permanent. Expat Coach Coalition is your shortcut to success. Doors closing soon. Join us.